Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Beatles were an incredibly popular British group beginning in the 1960s. Norwegian Wood is about a meeting between two people that only lasts one night.
Yellow Submarine is a silly song that also inspired a movie. You can find clips here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Full story and other exercises are here.
What do you think of this story?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Slam Poetry
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The past
Irregular past tense
More irregular past tense verbs
Past continuous
A Quiz
More Fill-In-The-Blanks
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Baboons! Soccer! Oh my!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Save Adult ESOL Classes
Please tell the city to maintain or increase spending for adult literacy/esol classes for immigrants. Although all the proposed cuts would be detrimental to certain populations, the amount of money that would be saved is not proportional to the effect that such a cut would have on our students and their families. One of our students typically represents a change in life and opportunities for their entire family. Sometimes their communities.
Here's the petition.
Here's the survey.
Please forward to other NYC constituents.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Videos to Prepare to Visit the Rubin Museum
Nepal episode 3
Lhasa, Tibet episode 4
Gorges of the East episode 5
Bhutan episode 6
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Rubin Museum & Cribbage
Please answer these questions:
1. What is the address of the museum?
2. What exhibitions will we be able to see on May 14? (There are 5.)
3. Although we will be going on a Friday, so it will be free, what is the normal admission fee for the museum?
4. What do you most want to see at the museum?
Here is the website for cribbage. By learning to do something, in this case play a card game, we learn to use English with a purpose. Read the instructions and play the game until you understand the how to play the game. We will play tomorrow in class. The rules of the game are here.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
No Reservations!
Most of the students in our school come from three countries: Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico. Let's learn about them. Watch each video and after each one, then we will discuss it.
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Cartegena, Colombia
Puebla, Mexico
See if you can find a video about food from your city or country. Post the link in the comments section.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
First Computer class for Level 3
Today is the first class in the computer room. Find out which intelligence in you is strongest by going to this website and taking the quiz.
Then you can practice your modals.
Remember! May and might are possibility or a request for permission. Should is a suggestion or expectation. Must is an obligation or requirement.
Monday, April 19, 2010
This week we will be talking about learning. People prefer to learn things in different ways. For example, some people prefer to read. They can take their time and read information as fast or as slow as they want. Other people prefer to learn by doing things. Some people like to listen to music. Some people like to study with friends.
Today we will talk about multiple intelligences and jobs that people will like.
Tuesday we're going to find out how we learn best by taking a quiz online.
Wednesday we will look at the creative way people teach different students who have different learning styles.
Thursday we will talk about how we can learn English better by considering our learning styles.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Welcom to Level 3!
We will be reviewing this week. We started with a review of simple present with this exercise:
A: What do you like to do on the weekend?
B: I like to read.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A: What does Ron like to do on the weekend?
B: He likes to go to the mall.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson? watch TV
2. Tom? play basketball
3. Sally? go to the beach
4. you and your friends? chat online
5. your grandmother? go hiking
he/she/it likes + infinitive
I/you/we/they like + infinitive
Friday, March 26, 2010
Last Class
Your perseverance and enthusiasm made the classes wonderful. It's so great to see students graduate with the confidence to speak English and how it changes them. You worked hard and practiced. I hope your new English skills will make your life easier and better. I'm also happy that you made new friends and built relationships while you were students here at Queens Community House. I hope you all keep in touch. You can always reach me through this website and don't forget about our Facebook group for Queens Community House English School.

Monday, March 22, 2010
Green Agenda Meeting and Immigration Reform Rally in Washington, D.C.
This was a very active weekend for Queens Community House. We went to the meeting in the Renaissance Charter School for the Green Agenda for Jackson Heights on Saturday where we talked about 7 different topics:
I participated in a group with students Rene, Guillermo, Fabricio, teacher Bruce, and director Mary talked about equality in Jackson Heights.
We also had about 70 students travel to Washington, D.C., accompanied by Anna Dioguardi, Farzana Morshed, and Adam Skarbinski to rally for immigration reform*. The weather was beautiful this weekend, which helped 200,000+ people voice their demand for their rights. President Barack Obama told us by video that he supported us. Let's make sure he

*I was there drumming with Minkwon Center, after having spent Saturday night in Fairfax, Va.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
After Level 5 and other Resources
Check the links on the right under "Education" and you'll find schools and classes with more advanced levels than we have here.
This week we talked about jobs and worker's rights.
You can look for a job, an apartment, and used stuff (and a lot of other things) on Craig's List.
You can find out more about the women in Made in L.A. on that website.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Worker's Rights and International Women's Day
We had a short discussion before watching the film. While watching, students were to try to understand the vocabulary words on this handout.
The movie introduces the topic of worker's rights which we will learn more about using Right to Work Understanding Immigrant Employment Rights from the New York City Human Rights Commission.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
- Listen to this news story about the Mediterranean Diet and fill in the blanks
People who follow a Mediterranean diet _______________ happier in life. This is the conclusion of a new report published in the journal ‘Archives of General Psychiatry’. The study’s authors say a diet _______________ vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains and fish seems to make people less likely to develop depression. This _______________ people who live in Mediterranean countries are _______________ than other Europeans. There are fewer mental disorders in Mediterranean countries and scientists believe _______________ because of the diet. The new research supports previous studies that suggested olive _______________ depression. No Italian, Spanish or Greek meal is complete without olive oil.
Researchers from Spain’s University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Clinic of the University of Navarra, Pamplona asked 10,000 _______________ track of what they ate. The scientists _______________ habits and instances of depression for four years. They discovered there was a thirty per cent _______________ developing depression in people who stuck to the Mediterranean diet. The research team says _______________ why this diet reduces the likelihood of depression. They said the diet could _________________ performance and increase the body’s efficiency to produce oxygen. Both these things make the brain and heart perform better. If our mind and body are healthier, it _______________ will be happier.
- Do this quiz about the story.
- Practice phrasal verbs by clicking on the link on the right.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Nonseparable Phrasal Verb Exercercises
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Phrasal Verbs and Nutrition this week
Phrasal verbs have two or more words, usually a verb and a preposition. Together they may mean something quite different from each word separately. For example, "look up" means "research; it does not mean look at the sky or ceiling.
The first group we learned about was separable phrasal verbs. This group needs to separate the verb from the preposition when a pronoun is used. For example, call up, call him up. When a noun is the object, it can go in the middle or after the the phrasal verb. For example, call up John or call John up.
Here's a dictionary of phrasal verbs.
We also started to talk about nutrition by speculating about some facts and playing a game.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Rhymes and pronunciation
Janie's Got A Gun lyrics
Dum, dum, dum, honey what have you done?
Dum, dum, dum it's the sound of my gun.
Dum, dum, dum, honey what have you done?
Dum, dum, dum it's the sound
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Her whole world's come undone
From lookin' straight at the sun
What did her daddy do?
What did he put you through?
They said when Janie was arrested
they found him underneath a train
But man, he had it comin'
Now that Janie's got a gun
she ain't never gonna be the same.
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Her dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Tell me now it's untrue.
What did her daddy do?
He jacked a little bitty baby
The man has got to be insane
They say the spell that he was under
the lightning and the thunder
knew that someone had to stop the rain
Run away, run away from the pain yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Run away run away from the pain yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Run away, run away, run, run away
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Her dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
What did her daddy do?
It's Janie's last I.O.U.
She had to take him down easy
and put a bullet in his brain
She said 'cause nobody believes me.
The man was such a sleeze.
He ain't never gonna be the same.
Run away, run away from the pain yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah
Run away run away from the pain yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Run away, run away, run, run away
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Everybody is on the run
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Her dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Because Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Her dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Janie's got a gun
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Domestic violence
We will begin by talking about this video and song.
On Tuesday a representative from Safe Horizon will be coming to our class to talk to us.
On Wednesday we will be watching the movie, Precious.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
We discovered what we can do to communicate better with our doctors and about prescription and over the counter (OTC) drugs.
Now we're going to learn how we can find more information about health using the website WebMd.
We also learned when to use infinitives and gerunds and had a quiz about the first two groups.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday Classes begin this week
Students must sign up with their weekday teachers to enroll in this class.
Former students can contact Craig to enroll if they attended weekday classes between September 2009 and now.
There will be 4 levels.
Classes will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. until the end of June.
What a week! February 12-17, 2010
Saturday- Lunar New Year: Celebrated in China, Korea, Mongolia, Tibet, and Vietnam, Lunar New Year is a major holiday for people from those countries. In New York City, big parades and other festivities in Flushing and Manhattan mark the beginning of the Year of the Tiger.
Sunday- St. Valentine's Day: Known for the day to show your sweetheart how much you love them with candy, flowers, balloons, and greeting cards, this holiday has an interesting history. Watch a video about it from the History Channel.
Monday-President's Day: There's some debate about this federal holiday.
Tuesday- Mardi Gras: French for "Fat Tuesday" this day is the last before the Catholic season of Lent which is similar to Ramadan in Islam. Instead of having a marking the end of the month of fasting, Catholics try to indulge in everything before the month by partying. In Latin America and some European countries Mardi Gras is known as Carnival.
Wednesday- Ash Wednesday: Christians mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. People go to church and have ashes of burned palm leaves put on their foreheads, exactly in the same spot as Hindus wear their bindis. It signifies the cycle of life and death because the priest says, "You are made from dust and to dust you will return" as he puts the ashes on their heads.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Please try these exercises.
ESL Tower
Gerund and Infinitive Quiz quiz 1 and quiz 2
Tuesday and Snow Day
Sorry I was absent Tuesday but you had an excellent substitute, right? I heard that you watched this video and discussed it with Rachid.
Then we had an unexpected day off because of the snow.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Gerunds and Infinitives
The form of the verb depends on the verb that comes before it.
Gerunds and infitives and doctor's appointments
Sometimes we use two verbs in a sentence.
to + verb = infinitive example: I want to eat a sandwich.
verb + ~ing = gerund example: I enjoyed eating the sandwich.
You have to remember which verbs use infinitives and which verbs use gerunds.
verb + to + verb (infinitive group) | verb + verb + ~ing (gerund group) |
agree decide expect hope intend know how learn need offer plan pretend promise refuse want would like | avoid can’t help consider enjoy finish get through go (fishing, shopping, swimming)* insiste on keep on look forward to postpone put off suggest think about be tired of be used to *a gerund is often used after go when the second verb refers to a sport or fun activity. |
Thursday, February 4, 2010
CTC Exercises
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire-type game.
Multiple Choice Flash Game
Idioms Quiz
This is the group exercise we did in class. Do you remember all the answers?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bills, bills, bills
I hope yesterday's talk about tax filing was helpful and interesting.
The links here right include the list of places where people can have their taxes prepared for free and the ITIN application and instructions. Google "1040" for the other forms I gave you. More information about the Earned Income Credit is available on the City's website.
Don't forget we also have a free Financial Coaching Services on Wednesdays.
Today we will be discussing bill payments.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Money idioms and speed dating
Yesterday I gave everyone one page of money idioms. Today we will use it for our conversation practice.
Yesterday the 8:00 class did a variation on "speed dating" that the 6:00 class will get a chance to do today. Listen to the article.
We will also be talking about tax filing and ITINs.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Money and Taxes
Americans value money more than most other people. We say "time is money" and praise the "almighty dollar".
We will be looking at some American idioms about money, talking about tax filing, and discussing money this week.
We will be focusing on speaking this week by talking about money.
Monday- Money Idioms, the Dollar as World Currency
Tuesday-ITIN and Tax Filing, Taxes and Government Services
Wednesday-Writing Checks, Paying Bills, and Sending Money, Banking
Thursday-Debt, Credit Cards, Credit scores, Saving Money
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Whose Relative Clauses?
When two sentences talk about the same person, and the second sentence has a possessive form of a word in the first sentence, we can use whose to connect the two sentences.
I know the boy.
The boy's mother works at the YMCA.
I know the boy whose mother works at the YMCA.
I know the boy.
My cousin works with the boy's mother.
I know the boy whose mother my cousin works with.
The painter is Monet.
I really like the painter's work the most.
I painter's whose work I like the most is Monet.
8:00 more practice with Relative Clauses
1) The car is old. I like my car.
The car that I like is old.
The car which I like is old.
The car I like is old.
2) Poland won the World Cup. The World Cup was in 1940.
Poland won the World Cup which was in 1940.
Poland won the World Cup that was in 1940.
3) Students studied relative clauses. Relative clauses are confusing.
Students studied relative clauses which are confusing.
Students studied relative clauses that are confusing.
4) Students studied relative clauses. The students were confused.
Students who were confused studied relative clauses.
Students that were confused studied relative clauses.
5) Banks went bankrupt. Banks made bad loans.
Banks that made bad loans went bankrupt.
Banks which made bad loans went bankrupt.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Omitting relative clauses with 'to be'
People that were bitten by mosquitoes should be tested for malaria.
She was wearing a dress which was covered in blue flowers.
relative pronoun+ 'to be' + ~ing verb
Anyone who is smoking will be expelled from school.
Here are the sentences that we did for dictation at 6:00.
Try to decide if the relative pronouns and 'to be' verbs in the relative clause are optional or not. If they are, put parenthesis around the words which can be omitted. Number 1 has been done as an example.
1. I talked to the man (who was) standing in front of the supermarket.
2. I asked the boys that were playing tennis what the time is.
3. Have you seen the movie that tells the story of the Titanic’s maiden journey?
4. The Chinese restaurant that is near my house has great egg drop soup.
5. We chose three of the sandwiches which were on the table.
6. He was talking on the phone when someone knocked on the door.
7. I always mix up words that are spelled “ei” with words that are spelled “ie”.
8. Plants that can stand hot, dry summer grow well in this area of the country.
9. Only two of the boys wanted to work overtime were able to do it.
10. The child who is playing with the cat is my little sister.
Relative clauses Exercise 8 & Cinderella
The worksheet that the 8:00 class got as homework and the 6:00 worked on today can be found here.
Here is one sample of the many variations of the traditional fairy tale, Cinderella. We will use it today to help our writing.
We will be finishing the writing that we did about Cinderella or the stories that we started on Monday. Tomorrow we will be posting some of the writing online.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Relative Clauses worksheet
The relative pronoun is optional if it is the object of the sentence.
The chef changed the recipe that the customers said was too spicy.If the relative clause has a subject that is not the relative pronoun, it is an object relative clause.
The chef changed the recipe which the customers said was too spicy.
The chef changed the recipe X the customers said was too spicy.
The cat that Martin saw killing the mouse is orange.If the relative clause does not have a subject, then the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause.
Main sentence: The cat is orange.
Relative clause: that I saw killing the mouse
Subject of the main sentence: cat
Subject of the relative clause: Martin
The mechanic fixed the car that was in the accident in ten minutes.
Main sentence: The mechanic fixed the car in ten minutes.
Relative clause: that was in the accident
Subject of the main sentence: mechanic
Subject of the relative clause: that
Monday, January 25, 2010
Fairy Tales
Do you know a folk story or a fairy tale? In all cultures there are stories, tales, and myths. For the first time we will be doing some longer writing. We will start by telling stories today. Tomorrow we will be watching a fairy tale that most people are familiar with, Cinderella. On Wednesday we will write either our stories or Cinderella. On Thursday we will use Word to write our stories and publish them here.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Discrimination Slide Shows by Level 5

Today we learned how to brainstorm and create slide shows using PowerPoint. Here are the presentations you made to illustrate the concept of "discrimination". Great job everyone!
6:00 class
Jorge Moreno, Maria Irma Blanco, Alajandro Sarango, and Gabriela Lopez.
Joel Ponder, Raquel Nunoz, Rosa Maria Perez, Laura Morales
Adela Rosas, Fernando Orozco, Lajanny Lara, Miriam Galarza
Sara Vallejo, Ana Tepan, Maria Palomares
8:00 class
Zebun, Miguel, Ali, Shamsudeen
Omaira, Yovany, Mario
Marcela, Josue, Modesta
Miguel, Mateo, Jaquelina
Benigno, Martha, Fredy, Fernando
Elena, Derek, Zakir
More Subjects, Slavery, and Discrimination
We learned that relative clauses add at least one more subject and verb to sentences.
Slavery and Discrimination
Then we saw the slide show with pictures showing how life was segregated or divided in the American South before the Civil Rights Movement. I thought that your pre- and post-Civil Rights Movement skits were wonderful! Wasn't it interesting to be white and
Today we will be watching another slide show about slavery and then we will be making one ourselves about discrimination. We will brainstorm about discrimination, find images of discrimination and create PowerPoint slide shows.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Relative Clauses Exercises and Segregation Slide show

We are doing Exercise 1 and 2 in class today.
Then we are watching this slide show and doing some role playing.
For homework the 8:00 class got this assignment.
African American History and Relative Clauses
Here are the readings from yesterday.
Slavery Timeline
The Civil War
Jim Crow
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Civil Rights Movement
Relative Pronouns
Who (used with people)
Which (used with things)
That (used with people and things)
Relative Clauses combine two sentences; one modifies the other just like adjectives modify nouns.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Subordination, Slavery in the the U.S., Civil Rights Movement and MLK, Race in 2010
Now that we know what subjects and predicates are, we will be learning about writing that will be more interesting because we will add subordinate clauses and modifying phrases.
Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and Race Today
This week, inspired by the observance of the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we will be exploring the history of race relations, the Civil Rights Movement, and the current state of race relations in the United States. We will specifically be discussing African American history in this country.
Some things to think about this week:
What do you know about the history of Black people in the United States?
What do you know about legalized and de facto racism in the U.S.?
What are your opinions about Black people in the U.S.?
How is the Civil Rights Movement related to other struggles in the U.S. and the rest of the world?
Here's what we will do this week:
Tuesday- Readings and presentations about slavery and the American Civil War, Jim Crow, MLK & Malcolm X
Wednesday-Theater of the Oppressed: Living in the Jim Crow South; the South After the Civil Rights Movement; Racism Today; Race 2070 100 Years Later
Thursday-Creating Powerpoint slideshows about Racism and Discrimination Around the World in the computer lab
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Blog and Facebook
The 6:00 class got the subject and predicate worksheet to do this weekend. Here are the answers for the 8:00 class who got the same assignment yesterday.
P.S. Here is the link for the QCH English School Group on Facebook.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Subjects and Predicates, Feminism
We began learning about subjects and predicates. We did this worksheet in class. The 8:00 class also got this for homework. The 6:00 class can do it for optional practice if they want. I will post the answers tomorrow night.
We read about feminism in this article and answered questions about it. Tomorrow we will finish discussing the article.
Hello Level 5!
We started our classes yesterday. This is the blog that I told you about. You can write anything to me here. Please always remember to tell me your name when you write so I know who it is. I will always write what we did that day in class. You can ask me questions about today's lesson, give me your opinion about the class, or offer suggestions.
Remember this is public and everyone can see it. Please be respectful to me and your classmates.
I hope we have a great level 5!